If you or a loved one has been involved in a truck accident, and suffered a truck accidents injuries, the law firm of Jeffrey R. Rollins, P.A. can help you. Jeffrey R. Rollins, P.A., strives to take some of the pressure off you and your family, which allows you to concentrate on the recovery of your personal injury. The objective is to get you the financial compensation you deserve and to navigate you through the complex legal process as simply as possible.
Common Injuries from Truck Accidents include:
Leg fractures
Internal hemorrhaging and bleeding
Fractured jaws, noses, or cheekbones
Skull fractures
Fractured ribs
Eye injuries
Internal organ injuries
Broken hands, arms, or wrists
Neck, mid, or low back injuries (inclusive of disc herniations)
Soft tissue strains and tears (ligament and cartilage injuries)
Common Causes of Truck Accidents:
Driver Fatigue
Falling Asleep Behind the Wheel
Reckless Driving
Lack of Driver Experience or Training
Distracted Driving
Faulty Truck Maintenance or Repairs
Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and Drugs
Improperly Loaded or Overloaded Cargo
In Truck Accident Cases the first step is to determine the cause of the crash, and who is responsible for the trucking accident. Jeffrey R. Rollins, truck accident lawyer, will focus on the identification of all of the parties responsible in order to secure maximum compensation for truck accident victims and their families.
In addition to the pursuit of a claim against the truck driver’s insurance company, frequently claims are also filed against (1) State and local highway authorities; (2) Truck and part manufacturers; (3) Shipping Companies; (4) Trucking Companies; (5) repair and maintenance shops.
Truck accident victims may incur not only medical bills for all treatment necessitated by the injuries caused by the accident, but lost income due to missed work during recovery, and those financial losses can be devastating. The injuries may be so severe that they lead to lost earning capacity (the inability to continue to work in one’s chosen occupation or an inability to ever work again) or the injuries may ultimately cause death to the motorist.
Compensation that may be available to you for truck accidents:
Past medical expenses
*Future medical care
Past lost income
Future lost income or loss of capacity to earn money in the future:
Past physical pain
Future physical pain
Past emotional suffering
Future emotional suffering
Past loss of life’s pleasures
Future loss of life’s pleasures
Wrongful Death Damages (see §768.21, Fla. Stat.)
Trucking companies are regulated by the Federal Government. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration establishes rules and regulations which govern commercial motor vehicles and the companies who operate these vehicles. The stated purpose of this regulatory agency is to attempt to make the interstate highways safer by reduction of the number of truck crashes.
Trucks (most commonly eighteen wheeler tractor trailers) are required by Federal law to carry insurance, more specifically Federal Motor Carrier Safety regulations require commercial vehicles traveling in interstate commerce to carry $750,000 of insurance for bodily injury and property damage resultant from trucking accidents. Most State laws also impose minimum insurance requirements on trucks not covered under Federal law.
Safety is a priority at Jeffrey R. Rollins, P.A. Accordingly, here are some major safety tips for navigation on the interstate and state roads and highways with “the big rigs.” First, anticipate wide turns. Buses and trucks require extra turning room. Trucks and buses swing wide, and often initiate turns from the middle lane rather than the far right lane. If a bus or truck has its turn signal on, never try to get between the vehicle and the curb, or try to squeeze by it. Second, stay out of the “No zones” which are blind spots. Large trucks and buses have massive blind spots around the front, back, and sides of the vehicle. Do not drive in a blind spot, remember, if you cannot see the driver in the truck’s side mirror, assume that the truck driver cannot see you either. Third, be patient. Trucks and buses sometimes use speed limiting technology. Fourth, do not cut off a truck or bus because a large commercial vehicle may not be able to slow quickly enough to avoid a crash. Fourth, do not tailgate a commercial truck or bus. When you tailgate you put yourself in a blind spot. Fifth, do not text while driving. Sixth, never drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Commercial trucking accidents routinely result in substantially more severe bodily than common car wrecks, and can even result in wrongful death. That is why you need to have an attorney experienced in trucking crashes. The law firm of Jeffrey R. Rollins, P.A., zealously represents truck crash victims and their families.
Jeffrey R. Rollins, P.A., is a personal injury attorney in private practice and has spent the past nine years exclusively representing personal injury victims and their families, holding insurance companies responsible and honoring the terms of their insurance coverage.
Personal injury attorney, Jeffery R. Rollins, Esquire of Jeffrey R. Rollins, P.A. spent the first 16 years representing those insured by insurance companies in the defense of personal injury claims, insured motorists, insured physicians, insured hospitals, insured pharmacists and pharmacies , insured nursing homes, and through that vast experience, developed an intimate knowledge of how insurance companies adjust claims and defend lawsuits against their insured. Take advantage of the free consultation offered by personal injurt attorney, Jeffrey R. Rollins, Esquire.
Jeffrey R. Rollins, P.A. is a personal injury attorney representing car accident injury, medical malpractice, surgical mistakes, product liability, nursing home neglect, pharmacy negligence and wrongful death serving Florida and the surrounding areas in Ft. Pierce, Okeechobee, Vero Beach, Port St. Lucie, Stuart, Palm City and West Palm Beach.